Record of Proceedings
Public Hearing; rezoning
May 1, 2017
Members Present: Peggy Owens; Alan Otsuka; Jeanie Tarver; Gena Kinoshita; Carole Cross, Peggy Raymond
Employees Present: Rhonda Jones/ Town Clerk
Mayor Otsuka opened the public hearing on the rezoning application for Sedgwick Original Town Block 5, Lots 19-22 located at 114 First Street.
Town Clerk, for the record, this hearing has been properly noticed. Yes
Are there any Board disclosures? NO
For the record, the application materials and other exhibits pertaining to this application as forwarded to the Board.
MAYOR: Does Town staff wish to make any comment on this application?
No comments
MAYOR: Do any of the Trustees have questions of the Applicant or Town Staff?
No Questions
MAYOR: We now come to the public comment portion of the public hearing
Has anyone signed up to speak at this public hearing? No one signed in
Lupe Casias concerns about plans on how far the business district would be extended and would like to see other business beside marijuana.
Bill Sauder said he liked the idea of getting the old building fixed up.
MAYOR: Does the applicant have any rebuttal evidence?
MAYOR: Does any member of the Board have questions for Town Staff or the applicant?
MAYOR: I will now close the public hearing. At this time, I will call for Board discussion and comments.
I Peggy O. move that the Board of Trustees of the Town of Sedgwick adopt Ordinance No. 03-2017 An Ordinance Approving Rezoning from Low Density Residential (R-LD) to Commercial 1 (C1) for Sedgwick Original Town Block 5, Lots 19-22 located at 114 First Street. Carole seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Hearing Closed
The Board discussed idea on shipping containers if they should be allowed in town. Melinda will send us ordinances from other towns to review.
Gena moved to adjourn the meeting. Jeanie seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried. Meeting adjourned.
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