Record of Proceedings
Sedgwick Town Board Meeting
November 14, 2016
Members Present: Alan Otsuka, Peggy Owens; Gena Kinoshita; Carole Cross, Jeanie Tarver; Peggy Raymond; Troy Kinoshita
Employees Present: Rhonda Jones/ Town Clerk
Guest Present: See attached list
The Sedgwick Town Board met in regular session November 14, 2016 at the Town Hall, a quorum was verified and the meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Alan Otsuka.
Alan Otsuka opened the Public Hearing for Zoning. The town received an application for amendment to Zoning Ordinance and Map on September 26th the hearing date was scheduled at the regular October meeting. One resident sent a letter to the board with concerns about the type of business that may open in the rezoned property. There was an open discussion about if the board is qualified to make zoning decisions for the town. The application was sent to the town’s attorney for review, there was discussion if the town’s law firm understood the zoning laws. There was discussion if a civil engineer was required for the changes that are proposed. One board member thought we were getting off track of what the hearing was about. Gena, the appointed Zoning Administrator said she wasn’t qualified to do the job and was stepping down as administrator. Gena said she reviewed the application and found it to be incomplete, and handed out a three page list of what she found to be wrong with the application. Gena said she would give the applicant 10 days to fix the applicant and this will give the board time to review the application and ordinance before they decide if they want to approve application. There was more discussion on what type of buildings that should be allowed and the type of business that could be allowed. Patrick will talk to the Department of Local Affairs for recommendation. Another hearing date will be set after more information is gathered and give board member a chance to review application.
Gena moved to close hearing. Jeanie seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
Mike Sullivan thanked the town for the donation made to SCED. He talked about a grant they received, a 3-D printer they purchased and the offices in Julesburg are getting filled.
Tara Hansen from Julesburg Early Education Center needs a new place to operate their daycare center. This is a benefit to the whole county and didn’t care where it is located in the county. This is a nonprofit organization that employs 5 teachers and cares for 59 children. They are looking for persons to fill a board and asked if the town had any one in mind from this area. Gena said she would get back to them.
Dan Pederson the town’s accountant discussed budget plans for 2017. Items discussed: Sewer improvements; New Maps; Park planning, Water tower repair; Safety Equipment; Waterline repair; Mower and equipment, Tree Trimming. The HUTF and Budget Hearing will be at the December meeting.
Richard said he needed tools for the shop and a heater for the pump house. He was told to purchase what he need.
Better Electric summated a bid for new lights in the shop. Richard will talk to some other electricians for another bid.
He will put up new lights on the Sedgwick Sign.
Patrick reported a fence on 2nd and miles in on town property and will need moved.
CDOT is considering a super service center at the old total station. They talked to Patrick about the town providing water to them.
One correction was made to the October minutes; car was changed to carts.
Jeanie moved to approve the minutes as corrected from the October 11, 2016 meeting. Peggy R. seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
Financial/Pay Bills
Peggy O. moved to pay the bills. Jeanie seconded the motion. Roll call vote; motioned carried.
Jeanie-yes Gena-Yes Peggy O.-Yes Peggy R.-Yes Troy-Yes Carole-yes
Old Business
New Business
Peggy O. moved to approve on public record the consensus vote to adopts Resolution #05-2016. Jeanie seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
Resolution #05-2016; “Supporting The First Nation’s Opposition to Dakota Access Pipeline”-
Gena moved to accept the 2017 CSWAMP coverage from CIRSA. Peggy O. seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
Gena moved to accept the 2017 Equipment Breakdown coverage from CIRSA. Peggy O. seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
Gena moved to accept the 2017 VAMP coverage from CIRSA. Peggy O. seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
Gena moved to accept the 2017 Occupational, Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage from CIRSA. Peggy O. seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
The Town Board discussed the idea of hiring a Town Manager and Ordinance Enforcer. Rhonda and Patrick will start putting together a job description.
Peggy O. said she would be interested in being appointed zoning administrator. Gena said she would stay on for now.
Peggy O. moved to donate $500.00 to Spay Day. Carole seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
Gena moved to adjourn the meeting. Jeanie seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.