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Record of Proceedings

Sedgwick Town Board Meeting

January 15, 2018


Members Present: Peggy Owens; Gena Kinoshita; Carole Cross; Jeanie Tarver; Peggy Raymond;


Employees Present: Rhonda Jones / Richard Kehm / Beth Ritter


The Sedgwick Town Board met in special session January 15, 2018 at the Town Hall, a quorum was verified and the meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Pro-Tem Jeanie Tarver.



Jesse Lerud did not attend meeting. Beth told the board he was an owner of a new computer business and could advise with a new computer. 



Richard priced repair kits for the water meters, $29.87. He needs eight kits.  He has ordered street signs for Railroad Avenue and the signs for 6th street; a total of $644.40. Only one of the heaters at the shop is working; Sapp Brothers has trouble finding parts because it is so old.  Richard will get bids to replace the old heaters.  Richard said he asked for $20.00 an hour and his raise should have been $3,200.00 a month not $3,000.00 a month.

Gena moved to pay Richard $3,200.00 a month.  Peggy R. seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.

Jeanie moved to order the repair kits for the water meters.  Peggy R. seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.



The board discussed forgiving the bills that didn’t get out in 2017 when Rhonda was sick and got behind; was stricken from the Dec 11th minutes.


Peggy O. moved to approve the minutes from the December 11, 2017 meeting as corrected.  Carole seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.


Peggy O. moved to approve the minutes from the December 18, 2017.  Carole seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.


Financial/Pay Bills

Peggy O. moved to pay the bills.  Carole seconded the motion.  Roll call vote; motioned carried.

Jeanie-Yes    Gena-Yes    Peggy O.-Yes   Peggy R.-yes                Troy-absent            Carole-yes


Old Business

The board discussed forgiving the bills.  Rhonda sent out the wrong information. The Board wants to forgive all outstanding balances on bill starting with the January billing which are sent out in February.  There was discussion on how much each household owes and the board wants to see a list at the next meeting.

Gena moved to show the board a past due report for water bills every three months.  Carole seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.  Peggy O. abstained.


Gena moved to forgive all outstanding balances starting with the January billing which will be sent out in February. Carole seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.


The town’s attorney said statutory towns cannot ban a specific breed of dogs.


Allen Coyne found a company to work on the water level indicator, it may cost up to $6,000.00.

Gena moved to approve the work for the water level indicator. Peggy R.  seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.



New Business

Jeanie moved to become a member of the Colorado Municipal Clerk Association. Carole seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.


The board looked at the letter for the 2017 audit and signed it.


Peggy R. moved to adopt resolution#01-2018, holidays the town hall will be closed. Gena seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.


Peggy O. would like to start planning the Harvest Festival now and get more people involved.  Peggy will go to a Lion’s Club meeting and talk to them about the festival.


Jeanie was upset she was not called back after her interview at the December 18th meeting.  She asked about seeing a job description for the town clerk, Rhonda will mail a copy to the board members.  She questioned why payroll was not paid at the meeting with the other checks.  She looked through the last two years of minutes to find where they voted to have the bills out by the 5th of the month; she said she could not find it in any of them.  She is not happy with how things are and would like to see changes made.


Gena moved to adjourn the meeting.  Jeanie seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.

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