Record of Proceedings
Sedgwick Town Board Meeting
January 14th, 2019
Town Board
Members Present: Wayne Price, Gena Kinoshita, Jeanie Tarver, Nancy Sauder, Peggy Raymond and Peggy Owens
Employees Present: Richard Kehm, Heather Moore and Beth Ritter
Meeting Opened
The town board met in regular session, January 14th, 2019 at the Sedgwick Town Hall. A quorum was verified and the meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by the Mayor, Wayne Price.
Public Comment
Rick Ingwersen - 413 Second Street Camper (Rick did not show up)
Rick Ingwersen attempted to move a camper on to 413 second street without consulting the town. There used to be a trailer house there, but it is no longer there. A camper cannot be moved onto the property and lived in, due to town ordinances. The ordinances were reviewed by the town attorney. The board asked that a letter be sent to explain the situation to Rick Ingwersen. The board denied Rick Ingwersen's request to move a camper onto his property. All were in agreement.
1) Caring Colorado Meeting notice 2) CRC - Newsletter 3) Sedgwick County Landfill will be raising their prices from $30 per ton to $34 per ton.
Town Maintenance Report
Maintenance Report: Richard Kehm, Town Maintenance
Richard spoke about the number of water meters that would be ordered to clear up any confusion from the last meeting. He has ordered 15 registers and 30 meter re-build kits. They will be mailed on the 15th of February, 2019.
Clerk's Office Report
Heather Moore & Beth Ritter
Fax Line (12/10/2018)
Fax line is in and we need to get an electrician into bring the line into the building and hook it up to the copier. Expert Electric will be called to have the fax line put in.
Bids for Used Town Vehicles:
S10 and Tractor in the newspaper a bit behind and the ad will run 3 weeks and they will bring the bids to the next meeting. The board has right to refuse on the bids. Heather added "as is" to the advertisement.
Town Credit Card: Heather is making progress on the credit card and still working on it. She will give it one more week.
Verizon Bill. The town will still get a Verizon bill because the water warning system is run through one of the phone numbers. However, the other two will be cancelled.
Computer:Jesse Lerud added a computer build to the price on the encryption with back-up services and 1 year warranty and 2 hours tech support for 1 year.
VOTE: Gena Kinoshita made a motion that we go with Jesse's Bid. Jeanie Tarver Seconded; all were in favor and the motion passed.
Minutes from 12/10/2018: Peggy Raymond approved the minutes. Jeanie Tarver seconded the motion; all were in favor. There was no opposition. The motion carried.
Bills: Peggy Owens said the documentation and the checks matched. Peggy Owens made a motion to pay the bills. Jeanie Tarver seconded.
Roll call vote: Gena Kinoshita, yes; Peggy Raymond, yes; Nancy Sauder, yes; Jeanie Tarver, yes and Peggy Owens, yes.
Dickenson: The board read the Dickenson Contract. Jeanie had a question about who would be coordinating. Wayne felt the coordinator would be Wayne and Richard. Wayne felt survey needed to be started right away. Gena felt that we should have Dickenson fill it out the contract and then vote on the contract.
Computer - IT: The board read the Computer IT confidentiality agreement. The board felt it would be to have our computer IT support sign the agreement.
Dan Pederson: Scott Zsabo is the auditor He would be willing to come to the meeting and explain it if the board would like. Dan Pederson reviewed the audit and the state audit report.
Jailhouse Museum Donation Request:
Kurt Hodel explained the bill for the heating and cooling system included the trades that were hired to connect it. Gena Kinoshita felt that it would be appropriate to have the town donate the amount requested to the museum.
VOTE: Gena Kinoshita made a motion to donate $2805.75 to the Museum heating system. Jeanie Tarver seconded; all were in favor and without any opposition. The motion carried.
Personnel Policy:
Heather Moore: Gena Kinoshita had a question about all employees getting health insurance. She does not remember doing this for part-time employees. Gena feels the obligation to the town as the $ decreases full time is 40 hours and 20 is part-time. Gena Kinoshita wants to get a committee together to look at the cost to for the town employee benefits. Jeanie Tarver felt that a big part of the employee handbook is the benefits. Peggy Owens volunteered to be on the committee. Only two board member can be on the committee, unless the board wants to have a workshop meeting. Heather asked if the board would decide the holidays for 2019.
Town Hall will be Closed on the Following Holidays
The board decided that the Sedgwick Town Hall would be closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Day, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day and Fourth of July.
Water Operator:
Allen Coyne approached the board to let the board know that the Town of Julesburg's contract as a Water Operator will end on May 1st, 2019. Right now the Town of Julesburg only has James as a certified water operator. The town of Sedgwick will need a class C water operator due to their use of gas chlorination. Allen presented a proposal to become a subcontractor to the Town of Sedgwick. Allen has not put a price on his contract at this time. The town currently pays $575 to have Julesburg be the water operator. He does not plan on charging that much. The town needs the backflow prevention done every year. Lydia Kizer, in Sterling, can help us with the backflow prevention.
Elements Engineering:
Elements Engineering came in and had a meeting the Mayor, Wayne Price, Heather Moore and Richard Kehm. Heather Moore explained. 1) Elements would like to be our engineer on call. They will take our maps and scan them and put it on a drive for us. Richard Kehm would be able to call and ask questions.2) Elements would like to do a master plan which would be anywhere between $20,000- $40,000. They would look at the infrastructure and would identify the needs of the towns infrastructure in a time order of urgency. Kurt Hodel suggested they look at the scope of work and fees of both Dickinson and Elements Engineering. Then have the two businesses share their information electronically to help each other and then make sure there is no overlap. Elements would get a grant to help pay for the survey. That is why the cost is so low of $20,000 - $40,000. They will also help the town plan future projects. Heather called their references and they were positive.
VOTE (2): Gena Kinoshita made a motion to use Element Engineering. Jeanie Tarver seconded. All were in favor, there was no opposition and the motion carried. Melinda Culley, the town lawyer, suggested that they enter into a contract to make sure expectations are clear. She suggested that they could use a contract like what they have with Dickenson. The contract does not have to come back to the board, the board can authorize Wayne to read the contract and sign for the town. A motion was made by Gena Kinoshita and seconded by Peggy Raymond. All were in favor and there was no opposition. The motion carried.
Marijuana Compliance Check Report
The board read the report for the sale of an underage sale and the SAR business. The Employee was personally charged and fired. Steps were taken to re-train. The business performed all of the improvements that were recommended. The board chose to not take additional punitive action for this incident.
Minimum Wage
On January 1st, 2019, the state minimum wage was changed to $11.10. Wayne asked for a motion to increase the employees' pay to the new state minimum wage amount. VOTE: Peggy Raymond made a motion and Gena kinoshita seconded the motion. All were in favor and there was no opposition. The motion carried.
Signatures of the Financial Accounts (Resolution 01/2019)
The resolution was to add a check signor for the accounts, due to Carole Cross stepping down from the board. Nancy said she would be willing to be a signer.
Baby Bear Hugs
Baby Bear Hugs requested $100 donation. Gena made a motion that the board donate $25. VOTE:Jeanie Tarver seconded the motion. All were in favor and there was no opposition. The motion carried.
8:00 pm by Mayor Wayne Price