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Record of Proceedings

Sedgwick Town Board Meeting

December 10th, 2018



Members Present

Wayne Price, Gena Kinoshita, Jeanie Tarver, Nancy Sauder, Peggy Raymond, Peggy Owens

Employees Present

Richard Kehm, Heather Moore and Beth Ritter

Meeting Opened

The town board met in regular session, December 10, 2018, at the Town Hall. A Quorum was verified and the meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by the Mayor, Wayne Price.

Public Comment




 Rick Lechman from Sedgwick County Fire Protection District Board (SCFPDB), regarding the Firemen's Pension Fund


Mr. Lechman explained that they presently have 8 persons receiving the pension. There are four more that are eligible to receive it now. There will be 3 more within five years. SCFPDB's budget cannot cover it. One of two things will happen. Either the fund will be depleted and there will no longer be a fund in the years to come or the amount would have to be drastically reduced. The retired fire fighters currently receive $100 per year. Gena Kinoshita asked if they had it in savings. Mr. Lechman stated that it is in a CD and they currently have $62,000. He felt it would not take long to go through it. Jeanie Tarver asked how much they are looking for. Rick said whatever the town could donate. The donation would only be used for the retirement. Mayor Price said that as he looked back on the minutes, he saw that they would have to simply donate the funds. Dan Pederson suggested the board contact legal council, because of RISA (Retirement and Security Act.) They cannot contribute specifically to the retirement.  The town can donate to the SCFPDB as a donation. Gena felt SCRPDB would have to make a decision on a yearly basis.


Gena Kinoshita made motion to make a donation of $1,100 to the Sedgwick County Fire Protection District Board; seconded by Peggy Raymond; all were in favor; no opposition; the motion carried.


Maintenance Report

Richard Kehm, Town Maintenance

Rebuilding Meters

Richard reported that he had been rebuilding and repairing meters at the shop.


Richard would like to purchase rebuilt registers with meters kits. The board asked if they would get a discounted price for purchasing in bulk. Richard said he would ask Zach at Core and Main.  Richard explained that Zach recommended we rebuild a meter and then put a new register on the meter. We need 30 of them.


Gena Kinoshita made a motion to purchase 15 registers and meters; seconded by Jeanie Tarver; all were in favor; no opposition; the motion carried.

Old BBQ Pit

Richard asked if he could take out the old BBQ pit. The board was in agreement

Inspection of the Tower

Richard will be working on the water tower and tank inspection this week.


Mayor Price asked if we could change to selling of the tractor to "best offer." Offers could be given to the Clerk who would bring them to the board for approval.

Old S10 Pick-up

Again Mayor Price wants to have the pick-up sold in the same manner as the tractor.


An ad will be placed in the Advocate to let the public know the town is selling the old tractor and the old S10 pick-up as is. The Deadline for offers to purchase is January 30th and an ad will be put in the newspaper. The offers will be presented to the board and voted on.

Reports - Clerk's Office Report

Clerk's Office Report

Heather Moore & Beth Ritter

Personnel Policy Book

Heather reviewed the personnel policy with the board


Heather presented the board with a graph to show the financial breakdown of the PTO.

Paid Holidays

Heather presented a list possible holiday to the board.

(Clerk's report was suspended to begin the HUTF Meeting)

Highway Users Hearing

Highway Users Meeting

The HUFT Hearing was called to order by Wayne Price @ 6:30 pm


Mayor Price asked the audience if there were any comments.

Public Comment


HUFT Hearing Closed

6:45 PM

Budget Hearing

Budget Hearing

The Budget Hearing was called to order by Wayne Price @ 6:45 pm


Dan Pederson reviewed the budget with the board and the public

Public Comment

General questions and comments made by the public.

Budget Hearing Closed

7:00 PM

Resolution to Set the Mill Levy

Wayne Price asked if there was a motion to set the mill levy at 23.462


Jeanie Tarver made a motion to set the mill levy at 23.462; Peggy Raymond seconded;  All were in Favor; no opposition; the motion carried

Resolution to Adopt the Budget

Mayor Price asked if there was a motion to adopt the budget.


Jeanie Tarver made a motion to pass the budget; Gena Kinoshita seconded; All were in Favor; no opposition; the motion carried

Resolution to Appropriate the Funds

Jeanie Tarver made a motion to appropriate the funds; Peggy Raymond seconded;  All were in Favor; no opposition; the motion carried

Reports - Clerk's Office Report (Continued)

Personnel Policy

Heather addressed the board discussing the policy book.

Current PTO & Medical Benefits

She presented a cost breakdown of the choices of paid time off.  Heather Moore asked if the board wanted to vote on holidays and paid time off.  There were several questions from the board. Beth brought up the current health insurance benefit. The  board reviewed the current paid-time off. Tabled

Performance Review

Heather volunteered to create a performance review for all of the employees.

Education Classes

Heather made a suggestion that the town be reimbursed for training that an employee has to have for their job, if an employee leaves before a years time.

Snow Removal (Job Description)

The Clerk's Office was tasked with finding out the number of inches which require the snow to be plowed from the town streets. The only reference available was on the Town Maintenance person's job description. Richard Kehm felt the snow removal should be at his discretion. Kurt Hodel felt the commercial district should know at what time and depth the snow would be removed. Currently the job description states the snow should be removed without delay.


Jeanie Tarver made a motion to change to Town Maintenance person's job description to say snow removal would occur when the snow was 2" - 3", prioritizing the commercial district. Gena Kinoshita seconded; all were in favor; no opposition; the motion carried.


Minutes (11/19/2018)

 Jeanie Tarver made a motion to approve the minutes; Gena Kinoshita seconded; All were in favor; no opposition; the motion carried.

New Business

Town Bills

The board requested that the Mayor initial the time cards after reviewing them.  Mayor Price said he could do that. 

Discussion (Verizon Bill)

Jeanie Tarver questioned whether the town cell phones were being used.  She asked whether the phones which are contracted through Verizon could be cancelled, since no one would be using them in the future. None of the town employees disagreed with using their personal phones for work.

Vote Verizon

Jeanie Tarver made a motion to cancel the Verizon cell phones; Gena Kinoshita seconded; All were in Favor; no opposition; the motion carried.

Vote 2nd Phone Line for fax

 Gena Kinoshita  made a motion to have a second line installed for the fax machine; seconded by Jeanie Tarver; All were in Favor; no opposition; the motion carried

Role Call Vote to Pay the Town Bills

Jeanie Tarver made a motion to pay the bills; seconded by Gena Kinoshita. Roll call Vote Gena Kinoshita - Yes; Nancy Sauder - Yes; Peggy Owens - Yes; Jeanie Tarver - Yes  (Peggy Raymond left the meeting mid-way and was not present for the vote.) a Quorem was maintained.

SCED - Donation

The board discussed the amount they wanted to donate to Sedgwick County Economic Development. In prior years the town donated $5000. Peggy Owen spoke about the current SCED programs. Kurt Hodel felt SCED does more community outreach and not community development, like create jobs and business opportunities. There was a lengthy discussion about what economic development should be by the public and the board.


Jeanie Tarver made a motion to donate $2400 ; seconded by Nancy Sauder; All were in Favor; Peggy Owens Abstained; no opposition; the motion carried.

Resolution - 08-2018

Tabled until the next meeting. The form was not in the packet and we currently have three board members who are able to sign the accounts.


Rhonda Jones wrote a letter resigning as Clerk to the town of Sedgwick along with her titles and duties as Treasurer and Court Clerk.


Gena Kinoshita made a motion to accept the resignation letter of Rhonda Jones; Jeanie Tarver seconded; All were in favor; no opposition; the motion carried.

Town of Sedgwick - Clerk

Jeanie Tarver made a motion to appoint Beth as the Clerk/Treasurer. Nancy Sauder seconded, all were in favor; no opposition; the motion carried.

Town of Sedgwick - Deputy Clerk

Jeanie Tarver made a motion that they make Heather the Deputy Clerk; seconded by Gena Kinoshita; all were in favor; no opposition; the motion carried.

Memorandum of Understanding

Jeanie Tarver made a motion that Beth have the memorandum of Understanding since she is the town's Clerk/Treasurer; seconded by Gena Kinoshita; all were in favor; no opposition; the motion carried.



Gena Kinoshita made a motion to adjourn; Jeanie Tarver seconded; all in favor; no opposition; the motion carried.

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