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Record of Proceedings

Sedgwick Town Board Meeting

February 12, 2018



Members Present: Peggy Owens; Gena Kinoshita; Carole Cross; Jeanie Tarver; Alan Otsuka


Employees Present: Rhonda Jones / Richard Kehm / Beth Ritter


The Sedgwick Town Board met in regular session February 12, 2018 at the Town Hall, a quorum was verified and the meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Pro-Tem Jeanie Tarver.



Linda Langelo from the Colorado State University Extension talked to the board about the Centennial Park renovation.  Linda looked at the park and has some ideas and a drawing to show the board. She suggested a pond or catch basin for the low area for water running off the hill.  Linda also suggested using native and low maintenance plants.  Instead of having grass on the big hill by the water tower Linda suggested contacting Pawnee Buttes Seed Company who will help us establish wild flowers there. She said a project this size should be done in phases and maybe a fund raiser at the park to get the public involved.  GOCO grants want to see the public involved with the projects they fund.  Beth talked to the clerk in Julesburg about restrooms in the park.   Julesburg has a full functioning restroom in one park; it needs to be cleaned daily and maintained.  In another park they pay $65.00 a month for a port-a-john.  The board decided to send out questioners and meet with the public at 6:00pm on Monday February 19th at the town hall to discuss the planning of the park.


Abby Erickson from the Sedgwick Lions Club talked to the board about getting the 2018 Harvest Festival theme to the Lion’s as soon as possible.  There was discussion about the Lion’s and the Town working more closely for the Harvest Festival.  The Town Sedgwick was incorporated in 1918 so the theme should be about the town’s centennial celebration.   There was a suggestion that the town plant 100 trees for the celebration.


(Alan arrived)


Amanda Mathies from Julesburg Advocate talked to the board about the town putting an ad in the Explore magazine.

Gena moved to run a $215.00 ad in the Explore magazine.  Carole seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.



Richard reported all the meters are repaired. There are five readers on the meters need replacing; the cost is $90.00 each.  Richard talked about putting gravel on the roads.  He got two bids for new heaters at the shop, will discuss more next fall.  The computer is now receiving a report on the well but still no notification on the phone.



Bill Sauder talked about what the board had to go through to get the water loan and grant for the water project a few years back and had concerns about the board forgiving the past due bills.


Gena moved to approve the minutes from January 15, 2018.  Jeanie seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.


Financial/Pay Bills

Peggy O. moved to pay the bills.  Carole seconded the motion.  Roll call vote; motioned carried.

Jeanie-Yes    Gena-Yes    Peggy O.-Yes   Peggy R.-absent     Troy-absent       Carole-yes


Old Business

The board discussed forgiving the bills.  Rhonda sent out the wrong information. The Board wants to forgive all outstanding balances on bill starting with the January billing which are sent out in February.  There was discussion on how much each household owes and the board wants to see a list at the next meeting.

Gena moved to show the board a past due report for water bills every three months.  Carole seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.  Peggy O. abstained.


Gena moved to forgive all outstanding balances starting with the January billing which will be sent out in February. Carole seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.


The town’s attorney said statutory towns cannot ban a specific breed of dogs.


Allen Coyne found a company to work on the water level indicator, it may cost up to $6,000.00.

Gena moved to approve the work for the water level indicator. Peggy R. seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.



New Business

Gena moved to adopt the Dog Ordinance 1-2018. Jeanie seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.


Gena moved to look at the delinquent list for water bill every three months and wanted a list for March’s meeting.  Jeanie seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.


Gena moved to donate $25.00 to the school carnival. Carole seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.


Jeanie moved to approve on public record the consensus vote to hire Michael Coty part time. Carole seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.


Jeanie moved to approve on public record the consensus vote to buy a computer from Jesse Lerud.  Carole seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.


The board received information about sending Beth to clerk school.  This was tabled for next month’s meeting.


Beth reported about a meeting she attended for the Children water festival.  It is in the planning stage and will be in the fall. There is another meeting on February 16.

Jeanie moved to send Beth to the meeting on February 16th.  Carole seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.


Carlton Britton from the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Department talked to the town.  Their department is short handed and lots of things are going on in the county. He continued to say if they don’t respond right away be patient as they have to prioritize according to importance or urgency.


Gena moved to adjourn the meeting.  Jeanie seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.  7:30pm

Contact Us!


Sedgwick Town Hall Location

29 Main Avenue | PO Box 27 | Sedgwick, Colorado 80749

For General Info:
For Town Clerk:
Fax: 970-463-5537

Sedgwick Town Hall Hours:

Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

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