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Record of Proceedings
Sedgwick Town Board Meeting
July 11, 2016


Members Present: Peggy Owens; Gena Kinoshita; Carole Cross, Jeanie T

Employees Present: Rhonda Jones/ Town Clerk; Richard Kehm Maintenance


Guest Present: See attached list


The Sedgwick Town Board met in regular session July 11, 2016 at the Town Hall, a quorum was verified and the meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Pro Tem Jeanie Tarver.



Todd from WFI talked to the board about the annual sewer line cleaning.


Gena moved to hire Work Force to do the annual sewer line cleaning. Carole seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.


Joe Buettenback talked about doing the kick ball tournament over the Harvest Festival.

Gena moved to allow the kickball tournament in our park this year. Carole seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.


Bob Prentice showed a video he made for the Town of Sedgwick. He will be at our next month meeting to give us more information.


Lupe talked to the board about the town helping with the car show expenses. The car show will be September 25th.


TJ talked to the board about rezoning.


Russ Sanchez is building a new home and talked about getting water and sewer to the new house. The Sedgwick County Assessors attended the meeting and officially stated that all property east of East Avenue except for a 20ft row is outside of the Sedgwick City Limits.


Gena moved to survey for a new map. Peggy O. seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.


The board will hold a workshop for zoning and amending retail marijuana ordinance July 19th.



There may be a leak at the fairground. Pat will talk to Todd to get an estimate to fix.


Patrick is looking into a grant from the Colorado Great Outdoors.


Gena moved to approve Patrick sending a letter of intent for a grant. Peggy O. seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.



Two words were misspelled in the minutes.

Gena moved to approve the minutes from the May 9th meeting as corrected. Peggy O. seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.


Financial/Pay Bills

Gena moved to pay the bills. Carole seconded the motion. Roll call vote; motioned carried.

Jeanie-yes Gena-Yes Peggy O.-Yes Peggy R.-absent Troy-Absent Carole-yes


Old Business 

The Board tabled the wood chipper.


New Business

Gena moved to approve to adopt Resolution #03-2016 designation of the museum as a historic site. Peggy O. seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.


Peggy O. moved to set up an account with Home Depot. Carole seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.


Gena moved to have Rhonda apply for a grant for the Museum Park. Carole seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.


Peggy moved to adjourn the meeting. Carole seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.


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