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Record of Proceedings

Sedgwick Town Board Meeting

July 9th, 2018



Members Present: Troy Kinoshita, Peggy Owens, Carole Cross, Gena Kinoshita, Jeanie Tarver, Peggy Raymond & Wayne Price (Mayor)


Employees Present: Beth Ritter


The Sedgwick Town Board met in a regular meeting at the Town Hall.  A quorum was verified and the meeting was called to order at 6:04pm by Mayor, Wayne Price.


Beth requested that the board and audience add RD’s Liquor License to the agenda under Old Business and Power manager Training for Beth under New Business.


Public Comment

Rob Crowder from the Julesburg Volunteer Fire Department came in a spoke about asking local businesses if they would be willing to open up their basements in the event of severe weather. He stated that he would be able to provide advertisements and stickers. He also brought up the fact that during the last tornado warning in Julesburg, the power went out and the tornado sirens did not go off. He said there was a cell phone emergency notification system called “Code Red”. He said he could leave some pamphlets on this system.


Carlton Britton from the Sedgwick County Sheriffs office spoke about the hiring of a new sheriff, Adam Greenman. He reported that the sheriff’s office has been extremely busy, to date they have responded to just shy of 4,000 calls. They now have 3 full time officers. Over all, arrests are up and there is an increase in felony calls. They are getting a lot of weapons use and violent crimes in the county. In June alone, the Town of Sedgwick had 18 calls; none of which were felony calls. There were 80 responses to calls, in the outlaying area of Sedgwick, from I-76 up and to Ovid over.



Dan Pederson/ Town Accountant – Dan Pederson explained that he was working on wrapping up the books, getting ready for the audit. Mr. Pederson was before the board to request clarification on the decisions made at December 2017 meeting and the March 2018 town board meeting. While the outstanding balances were forgiven and the reversed, there were months in 2017 that were not billed. Mr. Pederson requested a decision from the board as to whether the missed billings would be billed or forgiven. There was a question as to how fair that would be if a utility customer had paid monthly, no matter if they received a bill or not. Dan Pederson explained there would be a credit on the account if a customer paid, even though they had not received a bill. The board tabled to discussion to await research on the matter. Wayne Price will review the research numbers one week before the next regular town board meeting scheduled for August 13th, 2018. Dan stated that he can turn the numbers over and then he can do an audit adjustment, if the board wants to see the research before they decide.


Abby Erickson/Lions Club Representative - Harvest Festival – Mrs. Erickson approached the board with a question as to who would be the “Honored Citizen” at the Harvest Festival. It was suggested by a board member to have an honorary one, Randy Anderson. Many of the board members agreed. Mrs. Erickson explained that the Lion’s Club was going to do a ½ page tribute already. Mrs. Erickson’s second suggestion was to make the town be the honored citizen and have one page in the brochure and have the history of the town written by Nancy (Sauder). There would not be a person riding in the car, maybe an unmanned rider. Mrs. Erickson will talk to Mrs. Sauder about writing the history.

Motion – A motion was made to have Randy Anderson as a tribute, honorary

Made by – Jeanie Tarver

Seconded – Gena Kinoshita All in Favor:      X       Aye      All Opposed _______ Nay

Motion is carried


Monthly Reports

  • Maintenance – Richard Kehm was not in attendance and Wayne Price gave the report.

    • Maintenance person Richard Kehm has been doing a lot of mowing and keeping the town looking good.

    • He has replaced several water meters and fixed them.

    • The Gator got fixed

    • As for the culvert on the highway, the state is still trying to get permits before they dig along the highway.



  • Clerk’s Office -


  • Minutes

Minutes from June 18th, 2018 – No corrections were made to the minutes and they were accepted as written

Motion – A motion was made to approve the minutes of June 18th, 2018

Made by – Jeanie Tarver

Seconded – Peggy Owen    All in Favor    X   Aye     All Opposed         Nay

Motion is Carried


Financial/Pay Bills – The board passed around the bills listed for the month.

Motion – A Motion was made to pay the bills

Made by – Peggy Raymond

Seconded – Gena Kinoshita

Roll Call Vote – Gena Kinoshita – Yes; Troy Kinoshita – Yes; Peggy Raymond – Yes; Jeanie Tarver – Yes; Carole Cross – Yes; and Peggy Owen - Yes


Old Business

Resolution 03-2018 – Wayne Price handed a packet about the Dog Ordinance. The Board read the resolution. There was a typo on the amounts which was corrected by the board.

Motion – A motion was made to accept Resolution 03-2018

Made by – Troy Kinoshita

Seconded – Peggy Raymond   All in Favor    X   Aye     All Opposed         Nay

Motion 03-2018 is in effect, declared by Mayor Wayne Price

Sprinkler System – Up Grade – Wayne Price met with Gary Jeppsen and he is going to upgrade the control boxes and valves. Mr. Jeppsen would like to have $2000 up front for parts. The board agreed that it needed to be done

Motion: A motion was made the Town pay Gary Jeppsen $2000 up front to work on the sprinkler system.

Made by – Peggy Raymond

Seconded by – Jeanie Tarver   All in Favor    X   Aye     All Opposed         Nay

Motion was carried


Park Meeting – Beth handed out a park meeting report, delineating the two sub-committees (Playground Committee and the Shelter Committee) who will choose 3 items for their category and will present them at the Park meeting on July 10, 2018.


New Business         


Harvest Festival – Gena Kinoshita – They received the contracts for the water slide. They received the contract back from Braydon Zink. He has a band which will preform and he will do and acoustic performance on his own. They are also working with the Young Farmers to put on a kid’s tractor pull. They will get a list together to give to Mrs. Erickson for the flyer. A question arose as to the whether there would be a carnival. That would be looked into. Also discussed to have something different and easier instead of the pork BBQ. Need ideas as to how to raise money if they want to continue to have a live band. Advertise with radio and NJC? Ms. Mathies said she could get an ad in the neighboring newspapers. Jeanie Tarver had some ideas for vintage posters for decorations. Rhonda is looking for a T-shirt design. Ms. Mathies had an idea of doing a timeline of photos. Vendors fees were discussed. Mayor Price asked if there was some kind of insurance if the get blown out or rained out (in reference to the Braydon Zink Band)? Board member Gena Kinoshita said she would have to look at the contract. July 10th, Expert Electric will be in town looking at the electrical, Mayor Wayne Price stated. They are going to put breakers on the north side of the building, so we do not have to get inside the building. They are going to put up a receptacle. They will be locked.

Motion: A motion was made to pay Braydon Zink for the entertainment.

Made by – Peggy Raymond

Seconded by – Jeanie Tarver     All in Favor    X   Aye     All Opposed      O   Nay

Motion was carried.


Tractor Bids – Wayne Price Tractor Bids – The bid amount was set at a minimum of $10,500. No bids were made so Wayne moved that the town knock it down to $8,500.

Motion: A motion was made to knock it down to $8500

Seconded by Peggy Raymond     All in Favor    X   Aye     All Opposed      O   Nay


Liquor License – RD’s Bar & Liquor Store – Gena Kinoshita – A call was made to the Sedgwick County sheriff’s office to find out if there had been any complaints made about RD’s Bar and Liquor Store. Crystal Britton of the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s office asked that an e-mail to be sent. Crystal Britton’s email stated, “In searching my records I have found no complaints against the bar.” This information was relayed to the board. Wayne Price stated that it is an immediate statutory change to 18-SB-243.The state is no longer giving a 3.2 beer off premises sales and 3.2 beer on premise sales on the same license.

Motion: The board approves the liquor license for RD’s and the liquor store, so the license can be sent in and renewed for another year.

Made by – Peggy Raymond

Seconded by – Jeanie Tarver   All in Favor    X   Aye     All Opposed         Nay

Gena Kinoshita Abstained.

Motion was carried.


Power Manger Training – Beth Ritter – Beth would like to be sent to the Power Manager (utility program) training for 3 days in North Platte, NE, in October, 2018.

Motion – A motion was made to send Beth to Power Manager training

Made by – Peggy Raymond

Seconded – Carole Cross    All in Favor    X   Aye      All Opposed         Nay

      Motion was carried.



Gena Kinoshita made a motion to adjourn

Seconded by Carole Cross


Kurt Hodol brought up the annexation of a property with the state. Wayne said he had to look into it. Gena felt that the town had to do what was in their best interest.



Motion: A motion was made to adjourn

Motion Made by: Peggy Raymond

Seconded: Peggy Owen

Adjourned at 7:39 pm

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