Record of Proceedings
Sedgwick Town Board Meeting
June 18, 2018
Members Present: Peggy Owens; Carole Cross; Gena Kinoshita; Jeanie Tarver; Wayne Price
Employees Present: Rhonda Jones / Richard Kehm
The Sedgwick Town Board met in special session June 18, 2018 at the Town Hall, a quorum was verified and the meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Wayne Price.
The Mayor stated the meeting by announcing we were going to start the meetings by giving the public an opportunity to voice their opinions and or concerns about the town, each person will have up to three minutes to talk there will be no discussion or interruptions while a person is talking.
No comments from the public.
Mike Sullivan from Economic introduced his new assistant Lindsey Harms. Nova Technologies in Julesburg is now doing 3-D printing and selling all around the world. He helped Todd at the drag strip getting set up for the season. We have three internships in Sedgwick County and 23 in our region. A dentist is moving into the Economic Development building in August or September.
Monthly Reports
The gator is fixed it needed the brakes fixed and fuel pump fixed; it only had 56 hour on it. Richard is busy mowing and taking care of weeds. The culvert on the HWY 138 and West Avenue needs cleaned out as it is flooding the street; Richard will call the state and report this.
Clerk’s Office
The attorney’s office is looking at a franchise agreement and a rite-a-way agreement with PCTelcom they will get back to the town with their recommendations.
The CIRSA 2019 renewal application is done. 9 letters was mailed for unlicensed dogs, 4 have licensed their dog.
A typo was found in the May 14th minutes. Jeanie moved to approve the minutes from May 14, 2018 meeting as corrected. Gena seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
Jeanie moved to approve the minutes from June 4, 2018 meeting. Peggy O. seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
Financial/Pay Bills
Peggy O. moved to pay the bills. Jeanie seconded the motion. Roll call vote; motioned carried.
Jeanie-Yes Gena-Yes Peggy O.-Yes Peggy R.-Absent Troy-Absent Carole-Yes
Old Business
The board discussed Resolution 03-2018 setting fees for dogs. The fees suggested by the board will put into the resolution for the next meeting.
Gena and Kurt Hodel talked the board about forming an entertainment committee for the harvest festival dance. The Lion’s are willing to turn it over to the committee. The committee will keep the board informed after they have a meeting.
Gena talked the board about having an inflatable water slide for the kids during harvest festival. Gena will get the band and slide booked.
New Business
The board looked at the bids for a copy machine. There was not much difference in price and the board told Rhonda to get the one she wanted.
Gena moved to approve the pasture lease, Resolution #05-2018. Peggy O. seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
Gena moved to adjourn the meeting. Peggy O. seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried. 7:00pm