Record of Proceedings
Sedgwick Town Board Meeting
March 11th, 2019
Members Present: Wayne Price, Gena Kinoshita, Jeanie Tarver, Nancy Sauder, Peggy Raymond, Peggy Owens
Employees Present: Richard Kehm, Heather Moore
Call to Order
The town board met in regular session, March 11th, 2019 at the Town Hall. A Quorum was verified and the meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by the Mayor, Wayne Price.
The Minutes from February 11th, 2019
A motion to approve the minutes was made by Jeanie Tarver and seconded by Nancy Sauder, all were in favor and there was no opposition
There were several questions about the bills, which were clarified.
Jeanie Tarver made a motion to pay the bills, seconded by Nancy Sauder, all were in favor at the roll call vote and the motion carried.
Bills Roll Call Vote
Gena Kinoshita
Peggy Raymond
Jeanie Tarver
Troy Kinoshita
Peggy Owens
Nancy Sauder
Susan Wolff : Commented about the turkeys being aggressive. Kurt Hodel had similar complaints. There is no hunting in town. A suggestion was made to call Colorado Parks and Wildlife.
Rick Ingwerson: asked if the town would like the jail cell from his property, if we could use it he would like to donate it. He expressed that the Town would need to move it. He wanted to put some wheels on it.
Rick Watts: Mr. Rick Watts is from Eckert, CO. He is looking to start a cultivation facility for CBD/Hemp/MIP's/Testing. He is interested in purchasing a 5-acre parcel. He is looking into the possibility of ditch shares. NRCS said it is a permitted well and the irrigation district said it is a viable well. He would build a brand-new building. He wants to know how the board feels about it. Jeanie Tarver asked how many people he would be employed; he replied, 10 - 15. Gena Kinoshita asked what size of building. Mr. Watts said he would start with 10 - 15,000sqft, with 100,000sqft ultimate goal. Heather asked what kind of manufacturing. He said he would be doing CO2 extraction for the most part. Mr. Hodel remarked that C02 is one of the safest extraction methods. Wayne Price expressed concern, if there were new employees brought in, where they would live. Parcel is currently zoned residential; the board would need to consider re-zoning the property. Another recommendation was the old football field by the old school. The board will look at the ordinances, tax and zoning options. Then the board would have to have an open discussion with the town.
Josh Skelton: Dickenson's Survey brought in the base map of the town for the town to look at and edit. The public and the board viewed the map and there was a discussion. The lawyer recommended we do not vacate the town and re-establish the boundaries. Mr. Skelton will work with the title company to research boundaries. He will also add zoning to the map.
1) Oil & Gas Well information.
2) Colorado Health foundation grant for playground equipment.
Town Maintenance - Richard Kelm
Meter rebuilt kits and new registers that were ordered in January have arrived. Pump alarm was going off, called Julesburg and they pulled the pump and cleaned it up. A special notice was sent out to all of the utility customers. Work Force has been scheduled to come in after March 19th to clean out the lift stations.
Clerk's Office -Heather Moore & Beth Ritter
Notices sent out: Don’t Flush "Flushable" Wipes - We sent to all utility customers.
MIP & OPC:We had a business person who wanted a license for MIPs and OPC. We realized the applications are not really made to address specific issues of the MIPs (fire dangers) and would like to create a new application to cover the process, i.e.- review of plans and building by the fire department.
CCR: Customer Confidence Report (Water Quality Report for 2018)- Posted at Town Hall and RD's and Post Office
CIRSA Training: Beth Recommend that Heather Moore check on attending the April 10, 2019 Claims and Loss Management Training. Board agreed.
Resign as Clerk
Beth Resigned and recommended that Heather Moore become the Clerk. Beth commented that Heather has the skill sets that the town needs. When asked If Heather would accept the position of town clerk, she requested that the position pay match the responsibility. Peggy Owens commented other town clerks make around $15 to $17 an hour. Beth felt town clerk should also work 5 days a week. Heather will contact Dan Pederson to confirm our current budget can handle the wage increase. Richard also brought it to the boards attention he didn't get his 3% raise in January, Heather will resolve that.
Vote: Gina Kinoshita made a motion to make Heather Moore the Town Clerk and Beth Ritter the Deputy Town Clerk. Peggy Owen second, all in favor - yes
Vote: Jeanie Tarver made a motion to make Heather Moore $14.40 per hour and Beth Ritter $13.32 as Deputy Town Clerk. Gena Kinoshita second, (Roll Call Vote), all in favor - yes
Wages Roll Call Vote
Gena Kinoshita
Peggy Raymond
Jeanie Tarver
Troy Kinoshita
Peggy Owens
Nancy Sauder
Time Sheet & Employee Handbook
Final review of handbook, one correction at the request of Richard Kelm. He asked that instead of being paid overtime he would like to use it as furlough days.
Vote: Motion was made by Jeanie Tarver to accept the employee handbook with the correction to add the option of furlough days., Gena Kinoshita Second, all in favor - Yes.
Time Sheets - Heather presented the board with several reports offered by the new employee time keeping program (TimeSheets). Board liked them, and Heather will pay $155 annual for the program.
Vote: Gena Kinoshita made a motion to accept the program, all in favor - Yes / Motion Carried
Permit Application & Donation Request & Information
Lions Club would like a Special Liquor License to permit for their annual Reverse Raffle fundraiser.
Vote: Jeanie Tarver made a motion to approve the permit, Peggie Owens Second, all in favor - Yes/ Motion Carried
Sedgwick County High Schools requested a post prom donation, Resolution has donation base set at $25.
Vote: Gena Kinoshita made a motion to donate $25 to the post prom, Jeanie Tarver Second, all in favor - yes/ Motion Carried
Julesburg end ORC Contract
The Board was informed that Julesburg will no longer be our ORC as of May 30, 2019. The Town of Julesburg requested we sign the letter and return it to them, that we understand it.
Swearing in of Town Clerk
Mayor swore in Heather Moore, Oath of Office was read and signed. Julesburg Advocate witnessed.
7:58 PM Nancy Sauder made a motion to adjourn, which was seconded by Jeanie Tarver, all were in favor and the motion carried.