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Record of Proceedings

Sedgwick Town Board Meeting

March 12, 2018



Members Present: Peggy Owens; Gena Kinoshita; Carole Cross; Jeanie Tarver; Peggy Raymond


Employees Present: Rhonda Jones / Richard Kehm / Beth Ritter


The Sedgwick Town Board met in regular session March 12, 2018 at the Town Hall, a quorum was verified and the meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Pro-Tem Jeanie Tarver.


Rhonda announced the dog clinic would be on April 7th from 2:00-3:00pm



Wayne Price asked for the board if he could buy the culverts they approved at a past meeting.  He wants to order two and see if how they work out for the town before he buys the other two.

Wayne asked if the board had plans to use the large roll off dumpsters for spring clean-up this year.  The board discussed and decided to only have two dumpsters and for not as long of a period of time as last year.

Gena moved to approve the purchase of two culverts.  Peggy R. seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.

Gena moved to get two roll off dumpsters for the spring clean-up.  Carole seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.

Richard will call the land fill and ask if a date has been set for the county wide clean-up.



Richard reported all the new signs are up.  He spent last month working on the roads and trimming trees.  Next week he has plans to buy new blades for the mowers and change the oil in them so they will be ready for summer.



Two typos were found in the minutes from last month.

Peggy O. moved to approve the minutes from February 12, 2018 as corrected.  Carole seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.


Financial/Pay Bills

Peggy O. moved to pay the bills.  Carole seconded the motion.  Roll call vote; motioned carried.

Jeanie-Yes    Gena-Yes    Peggy O.-Yes   Peggy R.-Yes     Troy-absent     Carole-yes


Old Business

The board needed to fill in a date on the new dog ordinance for dangerous dog to reregister as dangerous. The board wanted it to say after the dog owner received notice from the board.  Rhonda will talk to the attorney’s office about this.

The board tabled Resolution 03-2018 setting fees for dogs.

Clerk school was tabled.


Gena moved to reverse the previous motion to forgive outstanding utility bills.  Peggy R. seconded the motion.  Voice vote; three yes and 2 opposed; motioned carried. 

This will be passed by resolution at the next meeting.  Rhonda will ask attorney about a payment plan.


The board looked at the ordinance which has the timeline for past due bills and when water should be shut off. 


New Business                     

Gena said she would like Rhonda to look into what it will take to change RD’s from a 3.2% bar to a 6% bar.


Peggy R moved to adopt Resolution 02-2018 cancelling the 2018 election. Jeanie seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.


Peggy R. moved to hire R Lawn to fertilize the two parks in town. Gena seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.


Jeanie moved to approve on public record the consensus vote to donate $25.00 to the revere wrestling tournament. Carole seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.


Beth talked to the board about training for the billing program. Salt Creek will come out here to train for $825.00 + mileage.  They also offer a training sessions in the fall.


Peggy O. moved to have Salt Creek come out here to train the clerks.  Jeanie seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.  7:30pm


The board will have a workshop for park planning on March 20th at 6:00pm.



Gena moved to adjourn the meeting.  Carole seconded the motion.  Voice vote; motioned carried.  7:15pm

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