Record of Proceedings
Sedgwick Town Board Meeting
May 14, 2018
Members Present: Peggy Owens; Carole Cross; Troy Kinoshita; Jeanie Tarver; Wayne Price
Employees Present: Rhonda Jones / Richard Kehm
The Sedgwick Town Board met in regular session May 14, 2018 at the Town Hall, a quorum was verified and the meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Wayne Price.
Steve Nowakowski called and to have this put on the agenda: could the town help him move a vehicle out of his yard with the town tractor. The board would like more information about where he would like a vehicle move. Rhonda will give him a call back.
Todd Simon from Work Force asked the board if the town wanted to hire them this year to clean the sewer lines and pump out the lift station. Work Force cleans 1/3 of the lines each year and had a map of the town showing what line would be done this year.
Jeanie moved to hire Work Force to clean 1/3 of the sewer lines and pump out the lift station. Troy seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
He will start the job on Wednesday the 16th weather permitting.
Monthly Reports
Richard and Bob Coty looked at the road grader; it is leaking hydraulic fluid. They replaced a seal on a gasket and if that doesn’t work they will check with John Deere for further guidance.
Richard has started the seasonal mowing and weed-eating.
He wants to replace four meters, two of which need new pits.
He talked to Highline about a new streetlight on Stockham Avenue. It would connect electricity to the town sign on the west side of town so it could be lit up.
Richard and Wayne talked to the board about buying a new weed eater. A good one was priced at $409.00.
Peggy O. moved to buy a new weed-eater. Carole seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
One of the Century Link poles is ready to fall down and a line is sagging across one of our streets; Richard will call them.
Gary Jeppson looked at the sprinkler system at the park and the control box is trashed.
Jeanie moved to have Gary Jeppson fix the control box on the sprinkler system. Troy seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
Nancy Sauder asked if the town can get the water hooked up in the museum. Consolidated Plumbing will be called.
Clerk’s Office
Rhonda reported on what they are working on besides the regular monthly duties:
PC Telcom will discontinue cable television effective July 31, 2018. With this change the town will need to discuss options to amend Ordinance 02-2011; our franchise agreement with the PC Telcom.
Two property owners were sent a notice of being in violation of the town’s nuisance ordinance.
The town’s attorney is working with us on a violation notice for a property with a storage container. Their office is also drawing up a lease for the property by the town shop; the town will use this area for gravel storage and a place to put tree limbs.
Letters were mailed to dog owners who have not licensed their dogs.
No ad was put in the paper for tractor bids; we need information about the tractor.
The credit card application was returned; Wayne needs to fill out more information on it.
The town received the CIRSA renewal form for 2019 it is due by June 8th.
We have had trouble with the copy machine we have called to have it serviced two times this past month. We will start looking into a new machine.
In our free time we are going to start copying the ordinance book to put in a binder, we will make it more users friendly. Some of the ordinances in the book are 100 years old and very fragile.
Jeanie moved to approve the minutes from April 9, 2018 meeting. Peggy O. seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
Peggy O. moved to approve the minutes from May 2, 2018 meeting. Jeanie seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
Financial/Pay Bills
While looking at the expenditures for this month; Wayne suggested the town keep the roll-off dumpsters until the 1st of June.
Jeanie moved to keep the roll-off dumpsters until June 1, 2018. Carole seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
Peggy O. moved to pay the bills. Troy seconded the motion. Roll call vote; motioned carried.
Jeanie-Yes Gena-Absent Peggy O.-Yes Peggy R.-Absent Troy-Yes Carole-Yes
Old Business
The board tabled Resolution 03-2018 setting fees for dogs. Rhonda will check to what fees other town have.
Centennial Park
Carole and Peggy O. gave an update on the park renovation meetings. Carole asked how we could get more citizens involved with the project. Some citizens have talked to Troy about the project and he thinks as we get the word out on the meeting dates more people will get involved. Citizens have mentioned to Troy they want more things for the kids to play on. Peggy O. said the group has discussed having a fort and/or tipi along with some playground equipment. Carole said she would still like to see 100 trees planted for the centennial celebration.
Jeanie thinks people would use the park more if we put port-a-pots there. After discussion the board decided not to put port-a-pot there at this time.
Carole would like the town to get a wood chipper for tree branched and give the mulch back to the citizen of the town. Wayne talked about how dangerous wood chippers can be and perhaps during spring clean up the town could hire someone with a chipper.
New Business
Troy moved to donate $25.00 for an ad in the yearbook. Peggy O. seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
Troy moved to donate $1,000.00 to the Sedgwick Cemetery and let them use the town’s equipment. Jeanie seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.
Rhonda reminded the board about the Colorado Municipal League District 1 meeting on the 24th anyone wanting to attend needs to RSVP by the 17th. In the past the town has paid the fees for those who wanted to attend; no motion was made to change this.
Troy moved to adjourn the meeting. Jeanie seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried. 7:00pm