Town of Sedgwick
Meeting Minutes
November 19, 2018
Call to order
Name: Wayne Price
Date: ___11/19/2018_____
Time: _____6:02 pm_____
Attendance of Sedgwick Board of Trustees and Mayor:
____ X_ __ Wayne Price (Mayor)
______X______Gena Kinoshita
___Absent____ Troy Kinoshita
______X______Peggy Raymond
______X______ Jeanie Tarver
___Resigned___ Carole Cross
_______X_____ Peggy Owens
Verify a Quorum – YES Number Present __4____ Number Needed ___4_____
Pledge of Allegiance
Corrections &/or Additions to Agenda
Susan Rose (topic cats) was taken off the agenda as per her request to be put on the December agenda.
Guests: Dan Pederson presented a preliminary budget for 2019 based on the 2018 revenue and expenditures.
The following items were requested as additions to the 2019 budget
SCOR – Letter of Interest – no money; letter or recommendation
SCED – Tabled (added $5000 to the budget) Will vote on alternate
date and time on the actual amount.
Mower – Budgeted $7,000 to $ 8,000
Dump Truck with Plow - $25,000
Irrigation – (Richard will get 2 bids)
Concrete Pad & Covered Awning
Water & Sewer Improvements
Chain link fence around the lift station, barbed wire top and either (1) 10’ gate or (2) 8’ gates.
Meters & Pits – a request was made to replace 10 meters per year. The water pits and meters need attention because they were all put in, in 2003 – 2004. There are currently 3 – 4 locations that are in need of immediate replacement of the pit and meters at the cost of approximately $20,000 for the 2019 budget year.
Total renovation costs: supply cost @ $ 573 per unit (new pit and meter).
Blochowitz charges between $125 - $150/hour to dig which would be approximately $1,500 to $2,000 per pit.
Zach from Core & Main came out and showed Richard the standards for the pits. The meters & pits having been inspected will be set in priority of the immediate need to general maintenance. Zach recommended the meters be replaced or refurbished every ten years. Richard suggested doing 10 each.
Wage Increase
Cost of Living – 2.9%
Minimum Wage will be increasing on January 1st, 2019 to $11.20 per hour
Performance-Based with Evaluations
Building Improvements - $10,000
Clerk Training –
Cost approximately $4,000 per person to train clerk to be certified. The board would like to have both Heather Moore and Beth Ritter attend the clerk training.
There are two places in the road that need maintenance. Currently they have $20,000 in the Highway Use money.
***The next meeting in which the budget will be discussed will be on December 10th, 2018
6:30 pm - Highway Use Meeting (HUTF Highway Users Tax Fund)
7:00 pm – Budget Hearing
Guest (continued)
Abby Erickson – Blue Skies Therapeutic Riding Program
Request to put a shoe-donation box in the Sedgwick Town Hall and advertise it as drop-off point. The donated shoes will be sent to third world countries.
The Board approved the request. (no formal vote)
Monthly Reports
Richard Kehm – Town Maintenance
Core and Main - sent a sales representative (Zach) to Sedgwick to help solve some of the issues on the water meters. Zach wrote a report explaining options for fixing the meters with the pros and cons of replacing meters and rebuilding meters
Road Maintenance and Grading is going well – Richard has been grading the roads for the last 3 weeks.
Snow Removal Ordinance – Mr. Kehm asked how many inches before he needs to plow. The board thought it was 3 – 4”. Beth Ritter will pull the ordinance for the next meeting.
Trash Truck - The trash truck hydraulics cylinder was fixed and it works great now.
Christmas - Richard checked all of the Christmas lights and he will be putting them up next week.
Hire a part-time person for trash truck help and putting up lights for safety reasons.
Motion – Jeanie Tarver made a motion that they hire Matt to help Richard Kehm out
Made by – Jeanie Tarver; Seconded – Gena Kinoshita; Vote – All in Favor/Aye – All; Opposed - None Motion Carried
Holidays - Richard Kehm wanted a list of holidays
Tire for the Town Pick-up
Motion – Gena Kinoshita made a motion to buy tires for the town pick-up
Made By: - Gena Kinoshita; Seconded – Peggy Raymond All in Favor/Aye – All; Opposed - None
Clerk’s Office Heather Moore & Beth Ritter
Utility Training went well and Heather is helping to revamp the program to be more usable.
Virus – We had a Trojan sent through e-mail and called our IT provider and he took care of the situation. The IT provider also recommended a solution of storing our data off site on an encrypted Cloud service, along with purchase of a more aggressive virus program. After public comment the board decided to go with an external hard drive and the advanced virus program. The board also decided to keep the IT support contract for next year.
Motion – A motion was made to purchase an external hard drive and continue to maintain an IT support contract with Jesse Lerud.
Made by – Peggy Owens; Seconded – Gena Kinoshita; All in Favor/ Aye – All; Nay – none; Motion Carried
Audit – Not completed yet and the County Treasurer’s funds are on hold until it is completed.
Liens – The liens for 2018 have been sent to the Treasurer’s Office.
Time Keeping Program – Heather checked out 3 different companies for a time keeping program and made a recommendation of “Track Smart” which was a mid-level cost. Track Smart was chosen due to ease of use and portability. The price is $433 dollars and then there would be a second app for time off. The only thing stalling the implementation of the purchase is the lack of a town credit card. The board tasked the town assistants with finding or applying for either a credit card or a debit card.
Credit Card – Because we do not put everything on the credit card. We do not use credit cards enough to qualify for a municipal card. Jeannie wanted to know why we did not have a debit card. Jeanie Tarver and Gena Kinoshita wanted to know if we could set-up an account and have a debit card attached to it. The board decided $5000 would be a good amount to have in a separate account.
Minutes – October 15th, 2018
The board read the Minutes. Jeanie Tarver made correction to the minutes. The minutes were approved as corrected.
Motion – A motion was made to approve the minutes as corrected
Made by - Peggy Raymond; Seconded – Jeanie Tarver; Vote/ Aye – All; Nay – None; Motion Carried
Monthly Bills
Motion - A Motion was made to pay the bills.; Made by - Peggy Owens; Seconded - Peggy Raymond
Roll Call Vote: Jeanie Tarver – Yes; Peggy Owens – Yes; Peggy Raymond – Yes; Gena Kinoshita - Yes
Motion Carried
Old Business
Policy Book (PTO, Health, Paid Holidays); Jeanie Tarver felt that sick and vacation time should be separated, because the part-time and the full-time would be different. Gena Kinoshita asked Melinda Culley, about when Rhonda Jones retires, can Heather Moore and Beth Ritter be co-clerks together. Ms. Culley said she had never heard of that being done and the statute does state that the board will appoint one town clerk and the other person would be a Clerk ProTem or Deputy Clerk. That is what the statute specifically allows. Mrs. Kinoshita asked about the Memorandum of Understand. Ms. Culley responded that one or more could be on that. Gena asked if the board should wait until Rhonda resigns to appoint a Clerk and Clerk ProTem. Jeanie Tarver wanted to know about the number of hours depending on the title of the employee. They decided to wait to see how Heather and Beth arrange their hours.
New Business
Memorandum of Understanding – Beth Ritter asked if they could decide the Memorandum of Understanding. Melinda had not seen the Memorandum of Understanding but she said it should be no issue to add to the MOU.
Motion – A motion was made to put Heather and Beth on the Memorandum of Understanding.
Made by – Gena Kinoshita; Seconded - Peggy Raymond; Vote/ Aye – All; Nay – None; Motion Carried
Carole Cross Resignation – (Vote to Accept)
Motion – A motion was made to accept the resignation of Carole Cross.
Made by – Gena Kinoshita; Seconded - Peggy Raymond; Vote/ Aye – All; Nay – None; Motion Carried
Appoint Zoning Officer - Gena Kinoshita asked Melinda if the mayor, Wayne Price, could be the zoning officer. She said there was nothing prohibiting that.
Motion – A motion was made to make Wayne Price the new zoning officer.
Made by – Gena Kinoshita; Seconded – Peggy Raymond; Vote/Aye – All; Nay – None; Motion Carried
Board Appointment - With the resignation of Carole Cross a new board member was appointed by the town board of Trustees
Motion – A motion was made to have Nancy Sauder fill the vacancy on the Town Board.
Made by – Gena Kinoshita; Seconded by – Peggy Raymond; Vote/ Aye – All; Nay – None; Motion Carried
Nancy will be sworn in at the next meeting
CIRSA – Beth Ritter stated that the items that were highlighted were items the board is currently paying for.
Motion – A motion was made to continue with the coverage of:
Community Service Workers’ Accidental Medical Plan Optional Coverage Application/Self Quote
Equipment Breakdown Optional Coverage Quote
Occupational Accidental Death and Dismemberment Optional coverage Application/ Self Quote
Volunteer Accident Medical Plan Option
Made by – Gena Kinoshita; Seconded – Jeanie Tarver; Vote/ Aye – All; Nay – None; Motion Carried
Museum Sign – Jim Beck e-mailed a quote for the museum sign of $1000. Nancy Sauder is going to go and get another quote. Jeanie Tarver requested that the town hall staff help get bids. There was a question as to whether the quote included installation and coating of the metal to keep it from rusting. The lack of heat in the Jail House Museum was discussed.
Motion: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting – (7:56 pm)
Made by: Gena Kinoshita; Seconded by: Jeanie Tarver; Vote/ Aye – All; Nay – None; Motion Carried